Wednesday, 14 June 2017

                              UNIT 8 VOCABULARY:

 Have an eye for: be able to appreciate and understand something.
 Have an open mind: happy to listen or accept new ideas or suggestions.
 Take your breath away: really surprise you.
 Take it easy: relax.
 Take your mind off: helps you forget.
 Take it from (me/us): believe us.                                       Have a ball: enjoy yourself a lot.
 Have no idea: not know anything.
 Have a good nose for: have a special ability for finding something.
 Aromatic: something that smells well                    Inedible: that you can't eat it.
 Mouth-watering: appetizing
 Savoury: good taste.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Saturday, 3 June 2017

                                          THE NEWS:

Come across= encontrarse con (meet someone) 

 Get on= subirse (on a bus...)

Take off= despegar (plane: depart)

Turn back= darse la vuelta en unas vacaciones. ( go back)

Get away= hacer una escapada (go on holiday)

See off= despedir  a alguien. (say goodbye)

 Get off= salir (begin a journey)

Speed up= darse prisa (go faster)

Stop over= parada.  Stay one night in a place.



Tuesday, 23 May 2017


Repeat: say something again.
Assure: say confidently.
Deny: say that something is false.
Boast: brag.
Claim: assert
Mention: refer to.
Insist: say the same to someone a lot of times
Announce: proclaim                                                                                          Admit: confess
Confirm: verify
Persuade: cause to do
Reassure: explain something that is well                                                            Beg: plead with somebody
State: set forth formally.

Monday, 27 March 2017

                                    UNIT 5
Host= provide internet server

Launch=  introduce

Edit= review 
Upload= transfer.

Access= Have have access of some information

Registered= oficially recorded

Bookmark= have something favourite on the webpage

Comment= put your opinion
 Respond=  answer

Log on= conect to the internet

Transfer= move from place to place

                                UNIT 3:

High-tech= technologically advanced

Computer-generated= graphics

Energy-saving= that saves energy.

Innovative= innovate something new

Mechanical_ with moving parts

Solar-powered= running on energy from the sun

Sustainable= environmentally friendly

Adaptable= adaptable, versatile

Alternative= another option

Electronic= that works electronically

Wireless= not using wires

Tuesday, 21 March 2017


MY POWER POINT     By  Andrea Estévez ,Elena Rodríguez and Lorena Mínguez.
                                        VOLLEYBALL ACTIVITIES:

1.       Describe the volleybal court:
The field is a rectangle of 18 by 9 meters, divided by a center line, thus leaving two halves of 9x9 meters each. From 3 meters from the center line is located the line of attack.
The network varies: for men is 2.43 meters and in women 2.24 meters.

2.       Describe the score in volleyball:
A set is won when a team gets 25 points with two points of reference. The winner is who wins 3 sets.

3.       Tell two actions that you can do:
Touching the ball with any part of the body.
Playing the ball outside of the limits of the court, after it is touched by other member of the team.

4.       Tell two actions that you cannot do:
Do two consecutive passes by only one person except after making a block.
Vary the order or rotation.

5.       Tell the logical order of playing.
-Reception / Defense:  The first touch is normally used forearm pass, but you can use the finger pass.

 -Set up:  The second touch is fingers pass, but if it’s necessary, you can also use the forearm pass.

- Smash:  Normally by players in a forward position but other players can do it.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

                          UNIT 4:


Calm (somebody) down: relax completely
Cheer (somebody) up: become or made someboy happy.
Cut down: reduce the amount you take or use something.
Face up to: accept that a difficult situation exists.
Open up: talk about how you feel.
Slow (something) down: start to do something less fast.
Work out: go to the gym and do exercises.


Aching muscles: músculos doloridos.
Allergic reaction: reacción alérgica.
Broken leg: pierna rota.
Bruised knee: rodillas con moretones.
Dislocated shoulder: dislocarse el hombro.
Itchy skin: te pica la piel.
Sore back: dolor de espalda. When your back hurts.
Sprained wrist: torcerse la muñeca.
Stiff neck: cuello agarrotado.

Swollen ankle: tobillo hinchado.