Saturday, 10 December 2016

Thursday, 8 December 2016


                                      MY SELF-ASSESSMENT:

In this term I have learnt a lot of english vocabulary and things that I didn´t know. I can do some things that I couldn´t other years, I can express me better, I know a lot of new words... In this term the thing that I’ve liked the most is the video of “Can´t stop the feeling” that is very funny. My greatest strengths are speaking and understanding english, my greatest weakness is the vocabulary in the exams. The thing that I do well is that I want to to take advantage of each class. I’m doing a lot of activities in english, for example, in this term I see a lot of english videos and I have improved a lot. I need to improve in the vocabulary, I think it´s difficult because we can write the meaning in spanish. I learn about bullying and english houses. I hope I will improve more this year.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016


          UNIT 2:


Advertise: (anunciar) draw attention to something.
Appeal: (le gusta a la gente) be attractive
Appear: Perform or speak where you’re seen by a lot of people.
Broadcast: transmit.
Claim: (declarar) say something is true although you might not be able to prove it.
Convince:(convencer) suceed in making somebody believe something.
Exaggerate: (exagerar) overstate
Inform: (informar) tell
Promote: Tell people about a service or a product to make it popular.
Recommend: Say something is good or useful.


Bargain: (ganga) item sold at discount
Bid: (ofertar) offer
Browse: (echar un vistazo) look around
Browser: (navegador) internet navigation
Charge: (cobrar) ask for money
Consume: (consumir) use up
Purchase. (Comprar) buy
Refund: (reembolso) money come back
Select: (seleccionar) choose from group
Supplier: (proveedor) provider
Supply: (suministrar) provide


Habitable:(habitable) fit to live in
Slogan: (consigna) small phrase that is used to promote or represent a product or company.
Slot: (ranura) for coin
Potential: (potencial) posible
Semi-detached: (adosado) attached to another
Terraced: (casas en hilera) in a row
Stunning: (impotente) informal
Ordinary: (corriente) nothing special
Old-fashioned: (anticuado) it isn´t fashion or new
Six-bedroomed: (casa con 6 habitaciones) this house has 6 bedrooms


Razer: cuchilla de afeitar
Lean   -  thing
Baby-sit: canguro (cuida niños)
Insurance company: (compañía de seguros) company that sells insurances
Hand made( echas a mano). You do something with your hands.
Red_bricked: (casa de ladrillos rojos) house that is made by red bricks.
Modern-looking: (moderno) it looks fashion.
Plenty: (repleto)  a lot of something

Sunday, 27 November 2016



1.       Find out the principle of transference and describe it.

 The principle of transference:  The accomplishment or learning of an exercise or the development of a certain quality can have a transfer neutral, negative or positive on different exercises.

2.        Give me an example of each training principles.

1- Principle of effective charge: 
  A beginner need less work than a person that usually practise sport.  Example: a beginner only will need over  40-50% of his maximum to have changes of his body but a oerson than practise sport will need over 70% of his maximum.
2- Principle of progression of the load:  
A person who wants to improve his physical condition must increase the load levels for the results to remain positive.   Example: For running when you begin you must run 30 minutes at 8 km per hour and one month later you must run 40 minutes at 10km oer hour.
3- Principle of Variety: 
It consists of doing different exercises so that it is not always monotonous.     Example:  One period of time, like one month you can run 25 minutes, other month you can do weightlifting and other month you can go swimming.
4-Principle of optimal relationship between load and recovery:  
It consists in doing rests when you do an exercise.  Example: you run for 30 minutes and then you rest for 15 minutes.
5-The principle of repetition and continuity:
Example: Run 30 minutes and then stretch.
6-Reverse action principle:
 The effects of training are reversible.   Example: run  two days of the week and the other days doing more easy exercises.
7- The principle of periodization: 
Example: microcycle: run 20 minutes each week.
8-The principle of individuality: 
The training process depends of the person.  Example: a person who do less sport can’t do the same effort than a proffesional.

9-The principle of specialization / multilateralism: 
 Example: if you are a football player, you mjst strecht your legs and run.


These are the links of our P.E notes:

Basic principles of training.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016


Enforce(reforzar): do something stronger.
Entirely(completamente): totally.
Delivery(entrega): act of delivering.
Parcel(Paquete): box with your shopping.
Coal(brasero): Object used as a heat source.
Tweety(piolín): Yellow bird of an animated cartoon
Own (propio): of, relating to, or belonging to oneself or itself.
Bitter(amargo): sharp                                           
Lose weight(adelazar): slim down
Despide(a pesar de): although
Proud(orgulloso): like yourself

Bully(matón): a person who intimidates another person
Founder(fundador): person who makes a fundation
Star(estrella): celestial body
Victim(víctima): injured

Hypocritical(hipócrita):  pretense of having virtues, beliefs,principles, etc.
Outgoing(extrovertido): going out, departing.
Supportive(persona de apoyo): giving support.
Truthful(persona sincera, verdadera): telling the truth.
Enthusiastic(entusiasta): enthusiasm.
Dependable(dependiente): depending of someone.
Optimistic(optismista): disposed to take a favorable view of events 
Sympathetic(empático): or feeling sympathy
Eager(ansioso por escucharte):  can´t wait to listen to you.
Dedicated(dedicado en la amistad): wholly committed to something.
Shy(timido):  timid.
Envious(envidioso): expressing envy.

ABBREVIATIONS (some of them):
Idc:  I don´t care.                                                  
Idk:  I don’t know.
Asap: as soon as posible.
Bc: because
Wyd: what you doing.
Omg: oh my god
Lmao: laugh out loud.
Rn: right now.
Ttyl: talk to you you later.
U2: you too.

Get better:(mejorar) recover
Get involved: (involucrarse) play a part
Get permission: (obtener permiso) obtain
Get the feeling: (dar la sensación) make an impression of something
Get things done.( tener las cosas hechas) when you have the things realised
Get used to: (acostumbrarse a) when you are good with something
Make a difference:(hacer la diferencia) have a significant impact
Make an effort:( hacer un esfuerzo) try hard
Make an impression: (dar impresión) have impact

Make the most of it: (sacar lo mejor de ti) take advantage

GRAMMAR: (examples)
Be used to: I’m used to speaking english in classroom.
Get used to: He is getting used to the new school.

Used to: I used to play with LEGO.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016


Resultado de imagen de LIBROSThis year I believe it will be very productive and funny. I will learn a lot of things about english.          LET'S GO!

Tuesday, 4 October 2016


Hi Cristina! This is my new entry of my blog in this year. I think this year will be the best.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

GLOSSARY: UNIT 5 Criminals and crime fighters

-Armed robber: robo a mano armada 

-Burglar : ladron/a (roba en las casas) 

-Detective : detective 

-Fraudster : defraudador/a 

-Judge : juez/a 

-Lawyer : abogado/a 

-Mugger : atracador/a 

-Murderer : asesino/a

 -Police officer : agente de policía 

-Thief : ladrón/a 

-Traffic warden : policía de tráfico 

-Private investigator : investigador privado 


 -Arrest : arrestar 

-Black market : mercado negro 

-Evidence : señal 

-Interview : entrevistar 

-Trap : atrapar 

-Case: caso 

-Suspicious : sospechoso 


-Arson : incendio provocado 

-Blackmail : chantaje

 -Burglary : asalto 

-card fraud : tarjeta de crédito engañosa 

-Forgery : falsificación 

-Drug-dealing : tráfico de drogas 

-Vandalidm : vandalismo 

-Identity theft : usurpación de identidad 

-Kidnapping : secuestro 

-Mugging : atraco 

-Speeding : que se mueve velozmente 

-Smuggling : contrabando 

-Pickpocketing : caracteristico 

-Shoplifting : hurto 


-Business owner : dueño/a de un negocio 

-Ecologist : ecologista 

-Household : familiar

 -Lawnmaker : legislador 

-Local council : ayuntamiento 

-Resident : residente


-Twice : doble

 -Come clean about... : sincerarse sobre... 

-Make someone think : hacer que alguien piense 


-Illegal : ilegal 

-Illogical : ilógico 

-Impossible : imposible 

-Irrespondible : irresponsable.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

These are the graphics of the questions of food:

Thursday, 3 March 2016

            GLOSSARY UNIT 4: 


amusing= divertido,a

annoying= molesto,a

confusing= confuso,a

embarrasing= embarazoso

fascinating= fascinante

frightening= espantoso,a

inspiring= inspirador,a

irritating= irritante

motivating= motivador,a

relaxing= relajante

upsetting= triste

worrying= preocupado,a

burst out laughing= echarse a reír

gap= hueco, espacio

gesture = gesto, expresión

misunderstanding = malentendido,a

nod your head = asentir con la cabeza

shake your head= negar con la cabeza 

browse= echar un vistazo, ojear

charge= cargar

plug in= conectar, enchufar 

press= apretar, pulsar

scroll= deslizar (hacia arriba o abajo)

stream= transmitir

swipe= deslizar

switch off= apagar

switch on= encender

text= enviar mensajes de texto

unplug= desenchufar, desconectar

update= actualizar

express= expresar, manifestar

hit= golpear

invite= invitar

spread news= extender, difundir noticias

squeeze= apretar, estrujar

warn= avisar, advertir

exciting= emocionante

excited= entusiasmado,a

frightened= asustado,a

frightening= que da miedo

irritated= enfadado,a

irritating= irritante
                    GLOSSARY UNIT 3: CHOICES, CHOICES

afford= permitir

bargain= chollo

be worth= compensar

borrow= pedir prestado

brand= marca

cost= coste

discount= descuento

shop online= comprar online

waste= malgastar

archery= tiro con arco

athletics= atletismo

catch up= alcanzar

join in= unir(se) a

kayaking= piragüismo

miss out= perderse algo

pick up= recoger

rock climbing= escalada

take up=retomar

trail biking= motocross (circuito con bici)

try out= probar

wakeboarding= esquí acuático

customer (n)= cliente

deparment store (n)= almacén

fraction (n)= fracción

gloves (n)= guantes, ``manoplas´´

half-price (adj)= a mitad de precio

shop owner (n)= dueño de la tienda

souvenir (n)= recuerdo

sports gear (n)= equipación deportiva

lend= prestar

sale= rebaja(s)

save up= ahorrar