Saturday, 10 December 2016

Thursday, 8 December 2016


                                      MY SELF-ASSESSMENT:

In this term I have learnt a lot of english vocabulary and things that I didn´t know. I can do some things that I couldn´t other years, I can express me better, I know a lot of new words... In this term the thing that I’ve liked the most is the video of “Can´t stop the feeling” that is very funny. My greatest strengths are speaking and understanding english, my greatest weakness is the vocabulary in the exams. The thing that I do well is that I want to to take advantage of each class. I’m doing a lot of activities in english, for example, in this term I see a lot of english videos and I have improved a lot. I need to improve in the vocabulary, I think it´s difficult because we can write the meaning in spanish. I learn about bullying and english houses. I hope I will improve more this year.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016


          UNIT 2:


Advertise: (anunciar) draw attention to something.
Appeal: (le gusta a la gente) be attractive
Appear: Perform or speak where you’re seen by a lot of people.
Broadcast: transmit.
Claim: (declarar) say something is true although you might not be able to prove it.
Convince:(convencer) suceed in making somebody believe something.
Exaggerate: (exagerar) overstate
Inform: (informar) tell
Promote: Tell people about a service or a product to make it popular.
Recommend: Say something is good or useful.


Bargain: (ganga) item sold at discount
Bid: (ofertar) offer
Browse: (echar un vistazo) look around
Browser: (navegador) internet navigation
Charge: (cobrar) ask for money
Consume: (consumir) use up
Purchase. (Comprar) buy
Refund: (reembolso) money come back
Select: (seleccionar) choose from group
Supplier: (proveedor) provider
Supply: (suministrar) provide


Habitable:(habitable) fit to live in
Slogan: (consigna) small phrase that is used to promote or represent a product or company.
Slot: (ranura) for coin
Potential: (potencial) posible
Semi-detached: (adosado) attached to another
Terraced: (casas en hilera) in a row
Stunning: (impotente) informal
Ordinary: (corriente) nothing special
Old-fashioned: (anticuado) it isn´t fashion or new
Six-bedroomed: (casa con 6 habitaciones) this house has 6 bedrooms


Razer: cuchilla de afeitar
Lean   -  thing
Baby-sit: canguro (cuida niños)
Insurance company: (compañía de seguros) company that sells insurances
Hand made( echas a mano). You do something with your hands.
Red_bricked: (casa de ladrillos rojos) house that is made by red bricks.
Modern-looking: (moderno) it looks fashion.
Plenty: (repleto)  a lot of something